This section is a compilation of answers to our most commonly asked questions. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.
- What is the Tampa Riverwalk?
- What are the hours of operation for the Tampa Riverwalk?
- Is the Tampa Riverwalk free?
- How do you get to the Tampa Riverwalk?
- Where do I park if I want to go to the Tampa Riverwalk?
- Where does the Tampa Riverwalk start?
- How long is the Tampa Riverwalk?
- What is there to do along the Tampa Riverwalk?
- Are you allowed to drink alcoholic beverages while on the Tampa Riverwalk?
- If I lost something while I was at the Tampa Riverwalk who do I contact?
- What restaurants are located along the Riverwalk?
- Am I allowed to fish from the Riverwalk?
- Do I need a permit for commercial filming or photography on the Riverwalk?
- I want to hold an event on the Riverwalk, where to I start?
- If I want to use one of your photos what is the photo credit policy?
What is the Tampa Riverwalk?
The Tampa Riverwalk is a multi-use path that extends 2.6 miles from Armature Works to Sparkman Wharf and connects a variety of museums, shops, restaurants and parks. The Riverwalk also serves as a hub for art, leisure, performances, fitness and more!
What are the hours of operation for the Tampa Riverwalk?
The Tampa Riverwalk is a multi-use path that is open 24 hours a day.
Is the Tampa Riverwalk free?
Yes, there is no charge to visit the Tampa Riverwalk!
Click here to find directions to the Tampa Riverwalk.
There are a variety of places to park along the Tampa Riverwalk depending on where you start and what you want to do. Click here for more information.
The Tampa Riverwalk begins at the corner of Beneficial Drive and Channelside Drive. The walk is 2.6 miles and extends just past Armature Works. However, you can start wherever you like!
How long is the Tampa Riverwalk?
The Tampa Riverwalk is 2.6 miles long.
What is there to do along the Tampa Riverwalk?
There's a ton to do along the Tampa Riverwalk! Visit one of our beautiful parks, take in a museum, eat at a fabulous restaurant, partake in a water sport or water taxi ride, or just enjoy the amazing views of the Hillsborough River! No matter where your interests lie, there is something for everyone at the Tampa Riverwalk!
Yes, but only if you are using an approved Friends of the Riverwalk specialty cup and you must stay within the boundaries of the specialty cup zone. You can get one of the approved to-go cups from authorized vendors along the Tampa Riverwalk.
If you lost something while visiting the Tampa Riverwalk, please contact the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department at (813) 274-8615.
There is quite a selection of places to eat along the Riverwalk!
Am I allowed to fish from the Riverwalk?
No, fishing is not permitted from the Riverwalk.
Do I need a permit for commercial filming or photography on the Riverwalk?
Yes, commercial (paid for) filming and photography on public property in any of the three cities in Hillsborough County and county - or state-managed property require a film permit. Public property typically includes parks, beaches, buildings, roads, bridges, sidewalks, transportation hubs, and certain places of interest. For more information, visit
I want to hold an event on the Riverwalk, where to I start?
Before planning an event on the Riverwalk, please consult with the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Office of Special Events. For more information, visit